Home Privacy Policy

Rush Enterprises, Inc. Privacy Policy

Rush Enterprises, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Company,” “we,” “us” or “our”) respect the privacy of our customers and other users of our websites and we want to ensure that you have a positive experience on our websites. This Privacy Policy applies to this website and Company websites that link to this policy, but does not apply to those Company websites that have their own privacy policy. This Privacy Policy also extends to the information we may collect whenever you visit the Company’s physical location(s).

Section I, Website Privacy Policy, describes our privacy policies and procedures for our websites. Section II is a description of our practices regarding collection and use of information and applies to use of our websites.  Section III is our privacy policy with respect to nonpublic personal information disclosed to us in connection with the provision of financial products or services. Section IV is our privacy policy for specific states. If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revised policy on this page so you may remain informed about what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

I. Website Privacy Policy

Information We Collect When You Visit This Website
In general, you can visit this website and Company websites that link to this Privacy Policy (“Website”) without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information. Our servers collect general information about each visit and aggregate this information with similar information from other Website visits to generate Website logs, which we use to evaluate and improve our Website.

We do not automatically collect information from Website visits that is personally identifiable (such as email addresses), and we do not attempt to link the information our servers collect to individual visitors. However, if you accept the use of cookies and similar technologies through our site's cookie banner or other available mechanisms that control the use of online data shared with third parties, the above disclosure about anonymous information may not apply. In such cases, your data could be combined or linked in ways that might identify you.

By visiting this Website, you agree that we may collect and use this information as stated in this Privacy Policy.

II. General Privacy Practices

What We Do With Information You Voluntarily Furnish
We use information for the purposes for which you furnish it to us. Where we request personal information, our online forms indicate the purposes for which we intend to use your personal information, and we will use the personal information you provide only for those purposes.

If you click contact us or utilize an application or feature available on the Website, such as an online chat application, and provide us with personal information (such as your name, address, telephone number and email address), we use the personal information to analyze and properly respond to your comments. Similarly, if you send any of our employees an inquiry via email, they will use the information you provide in the email to analyze and respond to your email.

If you do not express a preference in an online form, email or other communication with us, we may include you on mailing lists for our products and services (including products and services of our affiliates or their advertisers or sponsors) if we believe you might find this information interesting or useful. If you would prefer not to be included on our lists, please advise us at the time you submit the online form, email or other communication.

We strongly urge you NOT to submit to us sensitive information, such as your Social Security Number or credit card information, unless it is necessary for the purposes of your communication. Even though we strive to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of information you disclose online and you do so at your own risk. Minors should not submit personal information without the consent of their parent or guardian. However, there is no way for us to prevent minors from voluntarily furnishing us this information. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding personal information that your minor children may have provided us.

Who Can Access Your Personal Information
Employees, contractors and affiliates of Company as well as service providers for the purpose of providing services for us, will have access to the personal information we collect online if they require this information in order to perform their jobs, provide the applicable service, or respond to questions or comments you send us. We have established practices aimed at protecting the information we collect online or receive via email from unauthorized access. However, no data transmissions over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure by nature. Consequently, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you understand that any information that you transfer to us is done at your own risk. You may have a legal right to receive notice of a security breach in writing depending on where you live.

There are also circumstances in which we will share personal information with our subsidiaries, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, suppliers and service providers (including, but not limited to, manufacturers we represent and suppliers whose products and services can be purchased through us). If you would prefer that we not furnish your information in this manner, please advise us in advance. You should be aware, however, that this type of instruction might impair our ability to properly respond to you or process the information you provide.

We do not sell or license any information collected or received online, including email lists.

Cookies & Pixel Tracking
We may use cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, log files and similar technologies to recognize you and your access privileges on this Website, to facilitate the interaction between you and this Website, and to track usage. Cookies and any technology that serves a similar purpose as a cookie in the context of tracking, identifying, or building consumer profiles are included in our use of the term “cookie” for the purpose of this Privacy Policy. We do not consider any of the information we collect through such technologies to be personal information, except where such information is deemed to be personal information by applicable law.

Please note, however, that we set cookies only for the Company, and not for manufacturers we represent or our advertisers, sponsors or others. Third parties (including, but not limited to, advertising companies who serve ads on the Website(s) or elsewhere across the Internet) may also place cookies on your computer or device when you visit our Website(s), and you may also receive cookies from these other parties by virtue of accessing their web sites – we do not control any of these third-party cookies or other technologies.

You, of course, have the option of refusing to accept cookies by changing your browser preferences, activating the appropriate settings on your mobile device or using commercially available software. However, if you refuse the cookies from this Website, you may find that some services do not function properly.

Behavior Tracking & Analytic Tools
We collect information about your activities on our Website over time, and we associate this information with you personally or your device for purposes of enabling and administering the functionality of the Website for you and for sending you location-based communications (which could include advertising for goods and services available from or through us, including products and services offered by third parties). We also use such information for internal analytical purposes. Other than for the purpose of enabling the delivery of advertising directly to you or your device through the operation of our Website, to the extent we ever provide any such information to third parties, it will be in aggregated form and will not be associated with you personally. If you do not want us to collect this information, do not use our Website(s).

We also use "Google reCAPTCHA" (hereinafter "reCAPTCHA") on our Websites. This service is provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). reCAPTCHA is used to check whether the data entered on our Websites (such as on a contact form) has been entered by a human or by an automated program. To do this, reCAPTCHA analyzes the behavior of the website visitor based on various characteristics. This analysis starts automatically as soon as the website visitor enters the website. For the analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates various information (e.g. IP address, how long the visitor has been on the website, or mouse movements made by the user). The data collected during the analysis will be forwarded to Google. The reCAPTCHA analyses take place completely in the background. Website visitors are not advised that such an analysis is taking place. The website operator has a legitimate interest in protecting its site from abusive automated crawling and spam. For more information about Google reCAPTCHA and Google's privacy policy, please visit the following links: https://policies.google.com/privacy and https://www.google.com/recaptcha/about.

How We Respond To Universal Opt-Out Mechanisms
We currently support Global Privacy Control (GPC) specifications designed to allow internet users to notify businesses of their privacy preferences, such as whether or not they want to be tracked or have their personal information sold or shared with third parties for targeted advertising. These specifications consist of a setting or extension in the user’s browser or mobile device and act as mechanisms that our websites can use to honor your privacy settings. GPC is available for an increasing number of browsers and browser extensions, click here to view the options. If you want to use GPC, you can download and enable it via a participating browser or browser extension. More information about downloading GPC can be found by clicking here. If your browser or device has enabled GPC, it will override your preferences selected in the cookie banner or privacy settings on this Site. When our site detects the GPC, we will automatically opt you out of the online sale and sharing of your personal information for cross-context behavioral advertising (e.g., retargeting ads).

Aggregate and Blind Data
This Policy in no way restricts or limits our collection and use of information that does not identify you and that is not considered “personally identifiable” pursuant to applicable law. We may use information from which your personally identifiable information has been removed or obscured for any purpose, in aggregate form or otherwise. We collect and use such information for a variety of purposes and may provide such information to third parties without restriction.

This Policy Does Not Apply to Third Party Websites That Are Linked From The Website
This policy only applies to Company Websites. As described above, we may share information obtained from Company Websites with our affiliates or other third parties. While we expect that these affiliates or others will respect your privacy in a manner consistent with our policies, we cannot guarantee that they will do so.

III. Privacy Policy - Credit Applications/Financial Products or Services

We provide you with an opportunity to print a credit application on the Website. By submitting your credit application, you have consented for Company or one or more lending institutions to investigate your credit and employment history as described in detail at the bottom of such credit applications.

When you submit a credit application to Company, Company and lending institutions may collect nonpublic personal information about you from your credit applications, other forms you provide, details regarding your prior transactions with the party collecting such information, and consumer reporting agencies.

Our policies with respect to nonpublic personal information disclosed to us in conjunction with the provision of financial products or services, including information provided in a credit application, are available here.

IV. Privacy Policy – State Specific Privacy Rights

This section supplements the Privacy Notice above and applies to Consumers, as defined by the Colorado Privacy Act (“CPA”), Florida Digital Bill of Rights (“FDBR”),  Texas Consumer Privacy Act (“TCPA”), Utah Consumer Privacy Act (“UCPA”), or Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”). This section describes our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information (as defined in the CPA, FDBR, TCPA, UCPA, or VCDPA, to the extent the law applies to you). References to personal information in the Privacy Notice also describe our practices regarding personal information in this section.

California Residents: You may be provided with additional rights regarding the use of your personal information. To learn more about those rights, see the Rush Enterprises Privacy Notice for California Consumers.

We collect the categories of personal information about residents that are indicated in the chart below. The specific pieces of personal information collected about you may vary depending on the nature of your interactions with Rush and may not include all the examples listed. Personal information does not include deidentified or aggregated information.

Category of Personal Data

Purposes for Collection, Use, and Disclosure 

(1) Identifiers such as name, email address, postal address, phone number, driver’s license number, or other similar identifiers

  • To develop, improve, and provide our products and services (for example, customer service, technical support, troubleshooting, vehicle service, and warranty and recall needs)
  • To promote and offer products of our selected partners, through co-branded service offerings, joint marketing, advertising, contests, and sponsorships
  • To operate our business, complete transactions, and comply with legal requirements

(2) Personal Information such as a phone number or other financial information

  • To develop, improve, and provide our products and services (for example, customer service, technical support, troubleshooting, vehicle service, and warranty and recall needs)
  • To promote and offer products of our selected partners, through co-branded service offerings, joint marketing, advertising, contests, and sponsorships
  • To operate our business, complete transactions, and comply with legal requirements
  • For payment processing, fraud prevention, credit risk reduction, or other related financial services

Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories.

(3) General demographic information such as age, marital or family status, languages spoken, education information, gender, and military and veteran status

  • To develop, improve, and provide our products and services (for example, customer service, technical support, troubleshooting, vehicle service, warranty and recall needs, and conducting research and improvements)
  • To promote and offer products of our selected partners, through co-branded service offerings, joint marketing, advertising, contests, and sponsorships
  • To operate our business, complete transactions, and comply with legal requirements

(4)  Commercial information such as purchase history or tendencies

  • To develop, improve, and provide our products and services (for example, customer service, technical support, troubleshooting, vehicle service, warranty and recall needs, and conducting research and improvements)
  • To promote and offer products of our selected partners, through co-branded service offerings, joint marketing, advertising, contests, and sponsorships
  • To operate our business, complete transactions, and comply with legal requirements

(5) Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information such as IP address, mobile network provider, and other network related information

  • To develop, improve, and provide our products and services (for example, customer service, technical support, troubleshooting, vehicle service, warranty and recall needs, and conducting research and improvements)
  • To promote and offer products of our selected partners, through co-branded service offerings, joint marketing, advertising, contests, and sponsorships
  • To operate our business, complete transactions, and comply with legal requirements

(6) Telematics data, including geolocation information, odometer reading, vehicle performance data and vehicle fault codes.

  • To develop, improve, and provide our products and services (for example, customer service, technical support, troubleshooting, vehicle service, warranty and recall needs, and conducting research and improvements)
  • To provide products and services you request
  • To promote and offer products of our selected partners, through co-branded service offerings, joint marketing, advertising, contests, and sponsorships
  • To operate our business, complete transactions, and comply with legal requirements
  • To protect and defend our rights or property (including repossessing a vehicle in the event of a delinquency)

(7) Inferences drawn from Personal information collected to generate information about your likely preferences or other characteristics

  • To develop, improve, and provide our products and services (for example, customer service, technical support, troubleshooting, vehicle service, warranty and recall needs, and conducting research and improvements)
  • To promote and offer products of our selected partners, through co-branded service offerings, joint marketing, advertising, contests, and sponsorships
  • To operate our business, complete transactions, and comply with legal requirements
  • To assess your potential interest in a vehicle or other products and services

(8) Professional/Employment such as occupation, company or business name or other employment history

  • To operate our business, complete transactions, and comply with legal requirements

We do not sell your personal information in a way that is considered a “sale” under the general definition of the word. However, we may share your personal information, including the categories above for targeted advertising purposes. You have the right to opt out of the sharing of your personal information. Information on how to exercise your opt-out rights, as well as other rights you may have under the applicable laws, is provided below.

We may share the categories of personal information listed above to the following third parties:

  • Service providers
  • Third parties with whom you direct us to share your personal information
  • Data aggregators
  • Manufacturers and manufacturers’ dealers of the vehicles and products and services you purchase.

Further, we may deidentify your personal information and disclose this deidentified information to others as permitted by applicable law. Where we deidentify information or use deidentified information, we will use the data only in deidentified form and will not attempt to reidentify that information.

If you are a resident of Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Texas, Utah, or Virginia, subject to certain conditions and restrictions in applicable laws, you have the following rights with regard to your personal information:

  1. Right to Access. You have the right to request access to and obtain a copy of any personal information that we may hold about you.
  2. Right to Correct. You have the right to request that we correct inaccuracies in your personal information.
  3. Right to Delete. You have the right to request that we delete personal information that we have collected from or obtained about you.
  4. Right to Opt Out of Targeted Advertising. You have the right to request that we stop disclosures of your personal information for Targeted Advertising via cookies and tracking technologies by adjusting your cookie preferences through the “Cookie Settings” link in the footer of this page.
  5. Right to Opt Out of Sales. You have the right to opt out of our Sales of your personal information.
  6. Right to Opt Out of Profiling. The right to opt out of Profiling, as defined in the VCPDA, CTDPA, or CPA, as applicable, in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects.

If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which Rush collects and uses your personal information described above, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under the applicable state law, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Phone: 855-787-4223

Email: CCPA@RushEnterprises.com

Last modified June 1, 2024